Thursday, January 7, 2010

Samsung Oven I Want To Download Free Samsung Microwave Oven English Manual For The Model RE-630TC, Where Do I Find It?

I want to download free samsung microwave oven english manual for the model RE-630TC, where do I find it? - samsung oven

I need it immediately, I bought a microwave, but can not function properly, please help, Model RE-630TC, Samsung


eternalv... said...

I do not know if they have an English manual to download, but try to place international or U.S. site ng-aid products then find your model. If you can find. May U can e-mail service for customers on request.

Lord Loki God of Mischeif said...

Try bit torrent

Xiong said...

Samsung does not seem to download a manual for your product to offer. Sorry.

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