Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Long Should Hearing Loss Last After Ear Infection Does Anyone Else Experience Excessive Ear Popping? What Can Be Done About It?

Does anyone else experience excessive ear popping? What can be done about it? - how long should hearing loss last after ear infection

I had my ear seems a little excessive for many years. Almost every time I swallow or yawn to pop. Not even to swallow or yawn. I can not, and pop. It is very uncomfortable, after they are published. The pressure is very unpleasant, and all that loud. It's always a white noise as the air flows through my ears. When I plug my nose and close your mouth and suck it, squeeze ears back and pressure is at ease again. Comfort does not last long. Swallowing, yawning, or do nothing, will keep coming up to uncomfortable. I talked to 2 doctors and say that they have never heard of anything like it and it does not seem important to try and see what happens. I have a history of ear problems (otitis as a child, vegetation, loss hearling in his left ear, dizziness, tubes in both ears.) I write, but I need to know ... Am I the only one who's there?


Hearing Professional said...

It is very likely that the ear infections are related. Sounds like a failure eustacian tube. Eustacian Tube Plant, which offset the pressure behind the eardrum. If you never heard POPS eustacian the opening of the tube and release of pressure. You can use a tube that opens to eustacian. See the website below for more information.

tamez said...

It happens to me too.
I was accompanied by an ENT doctor for post nasal discharge diagnoses and made responsible for allergies
He gave me nasonex and claratin ...
claratin not let me sleep
nasonex and blew most of an earache ...
I stayed to try and support of both, as best you can.
some things that will help
With a neti pot: ...
Or just rinse your sinuses with warm salt water ...
with Vicks vaporup behind the ears, under the eyes and nose, sometimes gives relief
Massage the head, ears, chin, his face is often
I feel better
Finally, sometimes the assistance:
Plug your nose and blow gently ** ** () with care
This should put their ears a bit less for a while.

I feel your pain, I know exactly what happened.

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