Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Air Purifier Smells Previously Used Air Purifier SMELLS When On?!?!?

Previously used air purifier SMELLS when on?!?!? - my air purifier smells

I bought an air purifier that is used outside of, has worked well. I was not sure if that helps my allergies, so I thought, go for the cheaper way first. Then one day I turned on the house and started making that smell. I think that's just the smell of the house of his uncle. It does not smell but is very different, and it bothers me! There are filters, but. I cleaned and smelled them, and they go well. It is the actual unit. Can I do anything? The abolition of time?


Frosty said...

I am not using air cleaners. Does it run on air or water? If water, try using white vinegar instead of water. This should eliminate the odor.

coffee_p... said...

I spray with freebreese once a week and seems to really help

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